“Most people are afraid of suffering.
But suffering is a kind of mud
to help the lotus flower of Happiness grow.
There can be no lotus flower without the mud.”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Karen is a wonderful teacher. She is deeply knowledgeable about the body, having studied for years in many disciplines, and helpfully guides her students with beautiful skills and caring attention.

Jack Kornfield, Ph.D
Karen's class is unique. With a career in integrative body work and having done her first yoga training with Sacred Energy Arts in 2008, Karen developed a keen interest in overall health. Not feeling safe with an aging body in an average yoga class in Los Angeles, she obtained further training and has created a hybrid model from years of muscle therapy work with deep knowing of anatomy and how the body moves.
It is Iyengar & Hatha yoga, it is Taoist qigong, it is yoga for osteoporosis, and sensory awareness work, it is Feldenkrais, and more...and so, Sacred Movement was born in 2016.

Our yoga practice can challenge us in ways that will make us grow more supple, stronger, with greater ease of movement and balance, cultivating a calm, open heart & mind.
That is the mission of No Mud, No Yoga.
~ Karen Cryer, inspired by the words of Thich Nhat Hanh "No Mud No Lotus"
“I can attest you will not find another yoga class like this one with such a qualified, loving instructor.”
KG, Los Angeles
“Her knowledge of anatomy & multiple disciplines taught in a spiritual manner makes this class a perfect choice."
Abigail, Los Angeles